"A different Hydrangea"

This one blooms in late summer.
Sunday, 31 January 2010     

Hydrangea aspera Villosa Group

Many of us have been demoralised by the ferocious heat we have experienced this summer and its impact on our gardens. On extremely hot days, no plant suffers more in my own garden than the mophead Hydrangea, which had looked so beautiful in early summer. They are now past their best, with many burnt blooms - ones left unscathed are now ageing into greenish purple senescence, a look which I actually quite like.

However, there is a very different Hydrangea that has been waiting in the wings to come into bloom now, which is totally unfazed by the heat. Hydrangea aspera Villosa Group, from China, is one of several similar (and confusing) Hydrangea, which are totally deciduous and almost tree-like in form (ht 2.5-3m), and which flower from late summer into autumn. It has slim, matt leaves and flattened lacecap blooms, which consist of tiny purplish-blue fertile flowers surrounded by large white or lilac-tinged sterile flowers. Bees love the flowers, the purplish-blue colour of which can be seen in the bees' pollen sacs as they buzz around the plant.

It has a more open form than other Hydrangea and seems more robust, coping far better with dry spells than the mophead sorts, with their large, lush leaves. It enjoys Sydney's climate but is also quite cold hardy. It can grow in sun or part shade, and needs no pruning beyond the removal of spent flowers at the end of its season. Companion plantings can include any of the many attractive for Plectranthus cultivars that are soon to come into bloom, particularly those with purple flowers to echo the tints of this Hydrangea: such as P. 'Mona Lavender', P. 'Purple Dazzler' or purple P. ecklonii. Silvery P. argentatus is also pretty growing below the shrub.

The graceful Japanese windflowers (Anemone x hybrid )also come into bloom when the Hydrangea is still flowering and look delightful growing around it. The purple or white flower spikes of Liriope muscari can form an attractive groundcover at its base, as could a carpet of purple-leaved for Tradescantia pallida 'Purpurea'.

The plant sometimes sends out suckers and I have successfully dug these up to propagate it. My original plant came from the erstwhile Viburnum Gardens nursery in Arcadia more than 20 years ago, and I haven't ever seen it for sale anywhere else. I think it should be grown more often!

 Reader Comments

1/2  Gillian - 2119 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Monday, 01 February 2010

My hydrangeas are a constant disappointment to me, I cannot keep the water up to them. I have 6 different types in my garden but I am not proud of their appearance. What is the secret to their prolific growth and lush appearance. I am keen to improve their look in my garden. Gillian.

Hydrangea macrophylla do need reasonable water - so they shouldn't be planted near greedy trees or other large shrubs. Also, aspect is important - if they get too much sun, they will not do as well and the flowers will burn. I have had reasonable success growing some in large pots in the shade. I think most Hydrangea shrubs look pretty bad at the moment, with all the hot days we have had. Some people prune them in February so that is one option to tidy them up. The Hydrangea in this blog is a tougher one. Deirdre

2/2  Margaret - 2122 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Friday, 05 February 2010

Like you, my mop tops were magnificent, then in the hot weather, many blooms were scorched. However, I would not be without them. Ive not grown H. aspera Villosa, but remember that yours was fantastic - maybe this will be a new addition (somewhere) to my garden this year!

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