Plant Description

Loropetalum chinense

Burgundy-leaved form of Loropetalum chinense trained as a small tree

Sometimes known as the fringe flower, this is one of my favourite spring-blooming shrubs. It comes from China (it is also found in Japan and Myanmar) and grows to about 3-4 m tall. It has an interesting horizontal habit and naturally grows quite wide, though it can be pruned (after flowering) into any shape if preferred. I trim mine into a large domed shape; I have seen it clipped successfully as a formal hedge in Sydney's Hyde Park. It can also be trained as a small tree if a single trunk is developed early in its life and lower branches removed. Leaves are small and oval-shaped. The original species has pretty creamy-white spidery flowers, but my favourite ones have burgundy-coloured leaves and pink flowers.

There are various cultivars, including 'Burgundy' and 'China Pink' - their foliage is stunning in spring and early summer but does tend to turn green eventually. 'Purple Pixie' is a dwarf form said to grow 30-50 cm tall and 1.2-1.5 m wide (but gardeners have told me it can get a lot taller than specified!), with rich purple foliage and pink flowers in spring. 'Plum Gorgeous' is similar, getting to 1.5 m tall. These low cultivars keep their dark foliage all year round and make excellent low formal or informal hedges, as illustrated above.

Loropetalum is an undemanding shrub, which will grow in sun or shade. It copes with summer heat and dryness well once it is established. It will be grateful for occasional watering and some fertiliser after flowering. I enjoy my dark-leaved one with bluebells and blue and white forms of Iris japonica growing around its base. It would also associate well with some of the dark pink or plum-coloured hybrid hellebores. I can also imagine the creamy-coloured one looking very good paired with some cream Clivia, which bloom at the same time. The foliage of the dark-leaved cultivars is useful in flower arrangements, as it doesn't wilt.

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Loropetalum chinense
Foliage useful in floral arrangements.
Out now in my Sydney garden.
Flowers August and September.
Plant Family: Hamamelidaceae