"Unusual vines"

There are some unusual warm-climate vines blooming at the moment, which thrive in our Sydney climate.
Sunday, 15 November 2009     

Petrea volubilis in the garden of Anne Prescott, Sydney

My star jasmine vine (Trachelospermum jasminoides) continues to delight, creating a curtained room of our back verandah. A recent visit to a friend allowed me to see some other lovely warm-climate climbers in bloom at the moment, several of which are quite unusual but grow well in Sydney gardens. One was Petrea volubilis, sometimes called purple wreath, a delightful woody-stemmed evergreen creeper. It has its most spectacular display in early spring, but reblooms now with another significant flush. It has trusses of simple violet flowers held within cross-shaped lilac calyces, which persist long after the flowers have fallen, prolonging the show. It has curious sandpapery evergreen foliage and grows well against a pillar or across the edge of a verandah roof. It needs sun and good soil to be seen at its best, but seems to cope quite well with dry times. It can grow to 6m or more, but it can be controlled by cutting it back after flowering has finished. It has its origins in Mexico and South America.

Another beautiful and rare vine I saw that day was a climbing form of Bauhinia, called Bauhinia corymbosa syn. scandens (ht 4m), which originates in Southern China. This has a profusion of clusters of exquisite pink flowers with prominent pinkish-red stamens emerging from buds of the same colour as the stamens. It has the typical Bauhinia foliage, with evergreen folded 'twin' leaves like little butterflies. The specimen I saw grows along a low fence and is a mass of bloom at the moment. It seems to thrive in quite a hard, sunny, dry position.

A soft creeper that grows easily from seed and which is coming into bloom now and will continue for many months is Maurandya barclayana (syn. Asarina barclayana) and this was scrambling on another fence. There are purple, white and pink forms of this dainty vine, which comes from Mexico. Its membership of the Scrophulariaceae family can be seen in the snapdragon faces of its flowers. The leaves are small and triangular and the leaf stalks act as tendrils. It can grow to 2 - 5m in height. It is grown as an annual in cold climates. A related Mexican vine, sometimes called the creeping gloxinia, is Lophospermum erubescens (ht 3m), with larger rose-pink flowers in summer and autumn, held amongst sticky leaves. It used to be seen more commonly than it is these days.

In my own garden, an unusual passionflower (which I think is Passiflora 'Amethyst', syn. 'Lavender Lady') is just starting its long period of bloom. Acquired as a suckering piece several years ago, it climbs via tendrils up a pergola post every year and rambles across the latticed roof of a nearby gazebo, to a height of around 4m or more. The flowers are large versions of those of the edible passionfruit, but coloured in incandescent shades of blue and purple. When I first saw it, it was floating in a bowl with two Clematis flowers, and I mistook it for a Clematis, as many people do when they encounter it in my garden. I fell in love with it instantly and was most grateful to receive a suckering piece from the gardener who grew it, along with a veiled warning that along the lines of, 'It spreads everywhere!' It is true that the plant does send out suckers, but these are easy to pull up (and there is no shortage of people who want to have one) and so far, I haven't had a problem with it. I cut it back to within 60cm of the ground each year in late winter. It enjoys a sunny spot. Most of the passionflowers are native to tropical South America. This one was apparently found in a Brazilian garden.

Another unusual climber I acquired earlier in the year remains in its pot as I am a little terrified of letting it loose in the garden, having heard it can go berserk. It was said to be a scrambling form of Fuchsia, called Fuchsia magellanica var. macrostema, with a simple pendulous red and purple flower. I am not sure if it is even regarded as a climber or is just a very tall, sprawling shrub. A lusty specimen grew over the chook house at the erstwhile Belrose Nursery. I think I have finally found a spot where it can be allowed to have its head, so stay posted for developments!

 Reader Comments

1/7  Alida - 4566 (Zone:11A - Sub-tropical) Monday, 16 November 2009

Thanks Deirdre for your inspiration! Another climber that does so well in Sydney is Clytostoma callistegioides - violet trumpet vine. Mine has been a picture this year, producing hundreds of flowers in part shade, and the glossy green leaves look good all year.

Thanks, Alida - that is a beautiful vine. I have added a picture to the Plant Reference. Deirdre

2/7  Sue t. - 2566 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Monday, 16 November 2009

Id love to grow Petraea but I have no room. My only space is taken up with a very large Thunbergia grandiflora and a climbing Rondoletia. Another vine you dont see much these days is Antignon leptopus which covered the back of the house when I was a child. Sue T.

Thanks, Sue. I love the blue Thunbergia and if I had the space I would grow one. I don't know the climbing Rondeletia at all - it sounds interesting. Antignon is fantastic in late summer/autumn. Deirdre

3/7  Soniya - 2119 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Monday, 16 November 2009

Your Articles keep us going back to our gardens everyday with more enthusiasm and wisdom. Thank you for they pleasure they bring us Soniya

Thanks, Soniya!

4/7  Margaret - 2122 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Monday, 16 November 2009

Many thanks for unusual vines. The Passiflora certainly likes to wander, but mine (from you) brings lots of joy. I believe the fuchsia you mentioned is just a shrub, very pretty, but it does sucker. Another climber, with spectacular flowers, is Beaumontia (mine has not flowered yet), maybe this year.

Thanks, Margaret. Hope your Beaumontia blooms this year. I have one in a pot - one of many plants waiting to find a home! There are only just so many suitable places for climbers in one garden. Thanks for the input on the Fuchsia - it was labelled as a climbing fuchsia but I think it makes more sense that it is a shrub.Deirdre.

5/7  Georgina - 2076 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Thank you Deirdre for the very interesting information on unusual vines. I grow Mandevilla laxa which has large white strongly perfumed flowers. I would like to grow Bauhinia scandens and I am always on the look out when I do a nursery crawl. Regards, Georgina.

Thanks for your feedback, Georgina! I have just put in one of those Mandevilla plants so I am looking forward to seeing how it goes. Have not seen the Bauhinia for sale for a long time - I am trying some cuttings from my friend to see how they go. Deirdre

6/7  Carolyn - 2125 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Thanks Deirdre - youve inspired me as I lost a wisteria last year and was looking for something to grow in its place and I think a Petrea or the climbing Bauhinia would be ideal.

I hope they do well. The Petrea does flower for so long, with its several flushes of bloom. The hard bit is trying to find them in a nursery, with so few nurseries available for us these days - maybe ask at a nursery if they can get one in for you. Deirdre

7/7  Pamela - 2158 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Wednesday, 20 November 2019

So many wonderful climbers and on 5 acres I have the room but need more arches and pergolas in my garden...next project. Theres always another climbing Rose I want to plant, now to find someone to build me another pergola!!! How lovely to have room for them! Deirdre

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