"Playing with succulents"

Succulents can be fun!
Sunday, 16 November 2014     

Potted succulents growing at the Secret Garden & Nursery, Richmond, NSW

I have to confess that I know very little about succulents. To me they were always something my grandma grew in containers on a tiered pot stand on her balcony; she enjoyed collecting the many different forms and colours of the plants. So I was surprised recently that my daughter and her friend spent a morning making 'succulent terrariums' - a variant of the enclosed terrariums that have made a come-back lately amongst Gen Ys.

A succulent terrarium is a made in an open glass bowl (my daughter used a punch bowl) unlike the closed-in system of the traditional terrarium. Layers of pebbles, activated charcoal and then sphagnum moss are built up, then special potting mix suited to cacti and succulents is put on top of these layers. Small succulent plants are artistically arranged in the potting mix, playing with colour, form and texture, more pebbles are placed around the plants for effect, with even a bit of Spanish moss strewn in between the plants. The resultant terrarium is a decorative feature to be placed on a table where there is sufficient indirect light to reach it. The plants are misted with an atomiser whenever the soil gets dry: overwatering is to be avoided, as the plants may rot off.

Outdoors, a large, low terracotta bowl filled with the appropriate potting mix can be planted up with a mixture of different succulents. Once created, it is fairly low maintenance and will survive considerable neglect. Some succulents, particularly Echeveria and Kalanchoe species and cultivars are so striking and sculptural in form that planting a few of the same type in a pot can form an eye-catching focal point.

I have seen succulents successfully mass-planted in the ground in hot, dry areas in the gardens of some of my friends. The more trailing types can look great cascading down slopes and over retaining walls and some really artistic effects can be created, as shown in the picture at left of the garden of Jill Budden in Springwood, NSW,, where the succulent rosettes seem to flow from the bucket!

Whilst foliage is the main attraction for many succulents, some do have lovely flowers as well, especially zygocactus and Kalanchoe. The oft-seen Kalanchoe blossfeldiana hybrids that are smothered with lacy posies of waxy flowers from late winter till the end of spring in many hues. Though often sold as a 'disposable' indoor plant to be tossed away once the flowers finish, these plants are perennial and can grow in pots or in the ground in a part-shaded spot and do quite well. Another species with pretty flowers is Kalanchoe pumila, which has lovely silvery foliage and pinkish-mauve flowers from late winter till the end of spring. It has a trailing form so looks good in a pot or basket.

Most pots of succulents will eventually need some attention as the plants multiply. It is a good idea to replant every year in spring to rejuvenate the display.

 Reader Comments

1/5  Anne - 2518 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Monday, 17 November 2014

I have always loved succulents but must admit to being jealous when I see them growing in Blue Mtn and Sthn H"land gardens. I think they must prefer that climate to the one I have always personally enjoyed on the coast. Enjoy your "blog" break. Thanks, Anne. I think humidity can affect succulents so they do need to be in a well-drained spot and in sun. I must say that the succulent display at Mt Tomah Botanic Garden is superb! Deirdre

2/5  Lynne - 2479 (Zone:11A - Sub-tropical) Monday, 17 November 2014

Great ideas there Deidre - thank you. After our recent dry spell, succulents are looking more and more like a good option in some parts of our garden. Will look forward to more of your musings in December. In the meantime, enjoy your garden. Lynne Thanks, Lynne. I am going to make myself a succulent bowl for outdoors soon! Deirdre

3/5  Janna - UK Friday, 21 November 2014

I think your daughter"s terrarium is absolutely gorgeous! I, too, used to associate succulents with grannies, but now can"t get enough of them. It is funny how plants follow clear fashions. Thanks, Janna. I am a convert now! Deirdre

4/5  Lynne - 2479 (Zone:11A - Sub-tropical) Monday, 20 November 2017

Lovely ideas there Deirdre - thank you. I am thinking about using my stash of terracotta pots, grouped together somehow and planted out with succulents to form a whole picture. It would be nice to make a terrarium too. The pots would look great. Alas the terrarium was not a great success - see below comments! Deirdre

5/5  Bren - 2540 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Monday, 20 November 2017

Sorry, I hate succulents in terrariums. Firstly they look cutesy, and secondly I think succulents are used in terrariums simply because they stand up to more mistreatment and take longer to die than other plants. Terrariums create a humid environment and seldom have sufficient drainage for succulents. I have a large succulent garden, where the succulents grow large and form big clumps; this shows off their shapes and colors much better than in a terrarium or a dried up pot on the back porch! Thanks, Bren. With the benefit of hindsight (this blog was from 2014) I have to agree the succulent terrarium was not a huge success. Looked fab at first and though it was open at the top (so not as humid as a closed one) the plants did fade away in their indoor setting. Your succulent garden sounds fab! Deirdre

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