"Dusky leaves" - My latest blog

The use of dark-tinted foliage can add drama and interest to garden borders.
Sunday, 12 May 2024     

Dahlia Bishop of Llandaff at the former Belrose Nursery

When I visited the historic garden of Hidcote in Gloucestershire, England, more than 35 years ago, one aspect that really impressed me there was the use of dark foliage in the borders. The most dramatic example was in the Red Garden, where these leaves were grown near to brilliant scarlet flowers, creating an unforgettable combination. It was the first time I had ever set eyes on Dahlia 'Bishop of Llandaff', which with its bright red flowers and dusky foliage epitomised the Red Border in one plant. Up till then, my focus in gardening was on flowers, and I thought of leaves as simply a green sea of background for blooms. I certainly took a greater interest in different coloured leaves upon my return home from that trip, and now I cannot imagine my garden without them.

I am immediately drawn to any plant described as having 'dark leaves', but there are certainly gradations of duskiness in foliage. The nearest to black are the giant elephant-ear leaves of Colocasia 'Black Magic' (ht 1 m) , some very dark coleus (Solenostemon cultivars, ht 40-80 cm) and the thin strappy foliage of black mondo grass (Ophiopogon planiscapus 'Nigrescens', ht 25 cm). Others have a burgundy hue, such as that seen in the purple fountain grass (Pennisetum setaceum 'Rubrum', ht 1-1.5 m); next comes a rich purplish/deep chocolate colour, as found in some Iresine cultivars, such as 'Wallisii' (ht 50 cm), and Alternanthera dentata (ht 50-100 cm), though the cultivar 'Little Ruby (ht 30 cm) is more burgundy-hued. Others are closer to bronze-purple, such as some Phormium cultivars.

Other leaves have dark markings on a green background, which I also really like. Coleus (Solenostemon cultivars, ht 40-80 cm) offer many of these, and those with attractive dark markings look effective placed nearby solid dark foliage (as shown in the photo in the paragraph above). I have previously mentioned how valuable coleus cultivars can be in our Sydney gardens - at this time of year, they can start to look a bit scruffy. I never prune them at this time of year (they are best cut back in early September) but I sometimes take the precaution of striking a few cuttings and keeping these protected during winter, as sometimes a very cold winter can kill the plants. I find that the cuttings take root best in a jar of water placed on a windowsill. Once the roots are formed, I pot them on into propagating mix.Rhizomatous Begonia feature cultivars with dark leaves - either all-dark or variegated. 'Kara' (ht 60cm) is a beautiful example with big, ruffled, chocolate-hued leaves and there are many others, including 'Blackie' (ht 30 cm). The dark-marked ones are very attractive, too and offer interest in dry shaded areas where there often may be very little else to cover the ground!

One of my favourite shrubs with dark-tinted leaves is Euphorbia cotinifolia (ht to 3 m), a deciduous shrub which has incredible burgundy foliage. It is more than an adequate substitute in Sydney for the dark-leaved Berberis or Cotinus (smoke bush) shrubs which are used to provide this colour in English gardens, and don't tend to do that well in Sydney. I love the dramatic contrast of white flowers and white-variegated leaves with the backdrop of the Euphorbia. This shrub occasionally conks out after a number of years but is easily propagated from cuttings - in fact, mine came as a sprig from a friend, wrapped in a paper towel, many years ago!

Another suitable evergreen shrub with similarly coloured leaves the so-called fringe flower (Loropetalum chinense), which has dark-leaved forms (f. rubrum). The foliage of some of these tends to turn green in summer, after a wonderful burgundy flush in spring, but others seem to keep the hue throughout the year. The flowers of the dark-leaved form are pink bunches of fluttering spidery petals. The shrub tends to develop a wide, horizontal shape, with a height usually given as around 2 m though in time it may grow much higher and assume the proportions of a small tree. However, it can be successfully clipped to keep it more compact, and there are lower-growing cultivars.

Flax (Phormium) are dramatic, architectural plants from New Zealand, with a fountain of bold strap-like leaves and there are cultivars of a purple-bronze hue, which look effective in the garden. Heights vary, with the bronze and 'Purpureum Group' forms of of Phormium tenax growing 1.5-3 m tall; there are more compact hybrids such as 'Bronze Baby' (ht 70-100 cm). Phormium cookianum cultivars are generally also compact and include deep-coloured forms such as 'Merlot' and 'Platt's Black'. They are tough, low-maintenance plants that will endure most conditions once established, though their preference is for moist, well-drained soil.

Dark leaves really do add an extra dimension to any planting scheme, but with such an emphatic colour, a little goes a long way, and it would probably be a mistake to fill up your whole garden with it, as this may produce a very sombre effect! I like to use them as a dramatic contrast here and there in the garden, to liven up a dull border. The leaves definitely need to be placed near a contrasting hue, or they will just disappear against the colour of the earth. I still do love the sultry combination of dark leaves with bright red: either scarlet or crimson, and the effect also works with bright orange flowers, as seen here with a Canna cultivar. Another pairing I like is dark leaves with lime- or gold-coloured foliage or flowers - that really has a zing to it that gives me a thrill whenever I see it. I also like to put dusky leaves next to silver foliage - such a satisfying pairing.

I hope other gardeners enjoy dusky leaves as much as I do. I also love near-black flowers, but that is another story!

Blog first posted 30 May 2010; updated 12 May 2024.

 Reader Comments

1/7  Marleneann - 4556 (Zone:11A - Sub-tropical) Monday, 31 May 2010

I recently purchased a black Anthurium. I cant wait for it to flower. I love any plant that is unusual. I also have the Begonia that you have pictured.

Thanks, Marelenann. The Anthurium sounds wonderful! Deirdre

2/7  Margery - 2087 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Monday, 31 May 2010

Don't forget the many cordylines with darker foliage. I am trialling the new Leea coccinea 'Rubra' in my front garden though the internet tells me that it is from tropical climes so may not do well over winter. Margery

Thanks, Margery, I should have mentioned them, though I have never grown either of them! There are some spectacular versions available. Hope your plants grows well. Deirdre

3/7  Maureen - 2118 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Monday, 31 May 2010

Recently have become aware of Synadenium grantii 'Rubra' which falls well within your dusky leaves. Stunning. Maureen

Thanks for reminding me about that one, Maureen. A friend at Belrose grows one in a pot and it is beautiful - and I have a cutting from her that is ready to be grown on. I look forward to finding a spot for it in my garden. It is sometimes called the African milk bush. Deirdre

4/7  Sue - 2073 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Monday, 31 May 2010

I have had a red leafed Loropetalum in a large pot for many years next to my little pond and it has taken on a Bonsai look as I keep it pruned. I love the little pink flowers with the dark red leaves. Sue

Thanks, Sue. A great idea for that plant. Deirdre

5/7  Margaret - 2122 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Monday, 31 May 2010

Love dark leaves in the garden, too - they provide an air of mystery. My Colocasia black magic has had the darkest leaves ever, this season. Many begonias have dark foliage,and the canes, Irene and Midnite White, to name two, have wonderful dark foliage.

6/7  Kimberly - 5087 (Zone:10 - Mediteranean) Monday, 31 May 2010

Loving your Euphorbia!! Must find one!

Yes, it is a beautiful shrub. Hope you can find one in your region. They do grow easily from cuttings - that is how I obtained mine - so maybe you will be able to get one that way. Deirdre

7/7  Margaret - 2122 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Monday, 13 May 2024

Still enjoy dusky leaves. Just walked around my garden, beautifu, very dark leaves on an iresene, next to it a coleus with dark, almost black foliage. Hidden away, some dark green rhizome begonias with black splashes and bands on them as well as the colocasia. Dark foliage provides an aura of mystery I think.

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