"Going for green and gold"

I picked a patriotic posy from my garden!
Sunday, 07 August 2016     

A posy of flowers to salute our Olympic team

With the Olympics now underway, I found myself racking my brain for some way of alluding to them in my blog! In the end, I decided to find what flowers of green and yellow/gold hues I have in bloom right now, so that I could pick a patriotic bunch in the colours of the Australian team for my table. A wander in my garden revealed an array of possibilities!

The first plant to catch my eye was shrubby Mahonia japonica, now in full bloom, with upright spires of tiny clustered yellow bells, with a soft scent, held above spiny, leathery leaves of a dark-green hue. This was a recent addition to my garden when I was going through an angst-ridden phase of wanting more permanent evergreen structure. It will grow to 2 m in height eventually and is happy in a shaded spot. It seems to have settled in nicely and I was excited to see its first flowers.

Other yellow flowers can be found with the bright and cheerful daisies of shrubby perennial Euryops pectinatus and Tagetes lemmonii, which bloom throughout winter. They really do lift my spirits during the bleaker days of July and August. Chinese lanterns (Abutilon cultivars) are flowering well at the moment, and include pale and deep yellow forms. They will continue to perform well all through spring until November, when they have a break: which is when I prune them hard! I added in to my bunch the last few remaining sprays of the bright yellow Salvia madrensis, which has given a splash of colour from autumn all through winter.

Cymbidium orchids are coming into their own now, and include many gorgeous yellow cultivars. Pots of orchids are so decorative in the winter garden and the flowers last for simply ages. As well as these yellow/gold flowers, there is some gorgeous golden foliage in the garden: gold-leaved zonal Pelargonium look particularly good in winter; Helleborus foetidus 'Gold Bullion' has lovely lime-gold fingered leaves; and a plant new to me is another 'Gold Bullion' cultivar: this one being a Philodendron, which I recently picked up at a local nursery. It is said to grow to 75 cm tall. Its dissected leaves look very similar to Philodendron 'Xanadu', which is a superb foliage plant for shade, making a completely low-maintenance drift of cool green: I hope 'Gold Bullion' proves to be as good!

Of course, I could have simply paired my gold flowers and foliage with plain green leaves to make my posy, but I decided to extend the challenge by looking for green flowers as well. I love green flowers, which seem so enigmatic to me, and there are some out in the garden right now. The old faithful shrimp plant (Justicia brandegeeana) has a lime-green flowered form ('Lutea'), which is in bloom all year round, only stopping when I cut it to the ground in mid-August! It grows well in a shaded spot. It looks very effective when grown nearby plain golden or lime-green foliage. Also for shade is the exquisite Corsican hellebore (Helleborus argutifolius, pictured above), which has tall stems holding clusters of large, rounded green flowers in winter, which last for months. The serrated-edged, veined foliage has a similar look and colour to that of the Mahonia mentioned above, and could be a great underplanting for my new shrub, I noted, as I picked the blooms. These hellebores self-seed gently to form a little colony after a few years.

In sunny spots, the luminous chartreuse-green bracts of Euphorbia characias subspecies wulfenii are just starting to open up, and these will also last a long time - throughout spring. I have mine growing near an unusual lime-green perennial Nicotiana (ht 1.2 m) with large, star-shaped flowers (pictured at left). The plant has been blooming for more than 18 months without pause, and seems to be a perennial form. I have no idea of its name, but so far, it is one of the best I have ever grown of this type. These types of Nicotiana can be propagated from stem cuttings, which is very useful for passing them on to keen gardening friends. Some plants of the smaller-flowered annual/short-lived perennial Nicotiana langsdorffii are also in flower at the moment - there always seem to be a few out at all times of the year of the self-seedlings in the garden.

So there was a fair bit to choose from for my patriotic posy; I finished it off with some of the green and gold variegated leaves of a Euonymus japonica 'Aureus'. A much more patriotic posy would include green and gold native flowers out now, such wattles, Correa, kangaroo paw and Banksia blooms, but not growing any of these in my garden, I have had to make do with my eclectic bunch! Any other suggestions?

 Reader Comments

1/5  Janna - UK Monday, 08 August 2016

Your posy is absolutely gorgeous, Deirdre! Can we see a red, white and blue one next week?! LOL -- lovely to hear from you, Janna. Hope all going well. Deirdre

2/5  Margaret - 2122 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Monday, 08 August 2016

Lovely posy and suggestion of green and gold flowers. I must purchase a mahonia, it seems such a versatile plant. Tagetes, Euryops, J. brandgegeeana, J. lutea, gold wallflower, gold jonquils, and the green flowers of the Zygopetalum orchid all contribute to my posy. The lime leaves of the Zygopetalum, the foliage of Acanthus "Hollands Gold" and the new leaves of the Hare"s foot fern, all add to the theme. What lovely suggestions, Margaret. I love the sound of the gold wallflower. The Zygopetalum is such an interesting plant. Deirdre

3/5  Pam - 2159 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Monday, 08 August 2016

The early daffodils in my garden, "Magnifique" and "Ptolemy". and the miniature "Cornet" would add gold to the posy. How lovely to have some daffodils -- I am not able to grow them in my garden. I am very envious! Deirdre

4/5  Gillian - 2119 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Tuesday, 09 August 2016

Enjoyed reading your green and gold blog. You certainly are inventive in the way you put articles together.I absolutely love Mahonias. I have one in the back garden and one in the front garden and forget about them until I see those amazing yellow fingers pointing at me. Mine are becoming overgrown so I intend to purchase another one to grow in the middle of the garden bed so I can admire it more. And of course the glorious blue berries that follow, one of those must have plants I love. Thanks, Gillian. I have not had my Mahonia long enough to see the berries but I really look forward to them! Deirdre

5/5  Helen - 7256 (Zone:10 - Mediteranean) Tuesday, 16 August 2016

I love winter flowering gold and yellow blooms! Mahonias are great - don"t have one in current garden but was a favourite in my last garden & looked great next to coral coloured Chaenomeles ( Japonica). Euryops is also an old favourite - so cheerful in the depths of winter and so adaptable - doent seem to get as untidy as other daisies. Alos love your lime tabacco plant! I love the japonica; so tough and pretty. The nicotiana is certainly doing well; its flowers stay open all day: another plus. Some of the flowering tobacco blooms wilt during the day. Deirdre

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