"Winter bee blooms"

Tempt bees with winter flowers!
Sunday, 02 July 2023     

Grevillea commutata, Kings Park and Botanic Garden, Perth WA

I have written about bees previously in a blog, and discussed how these indispensible creatures currently face many threats, including diseases and mites; loss of habitat and plants for foraging, because of urbanisation and modern agricultural practices; and poisoning from certain pesticides used in agriculture and gardens, particularly those from the neonicotinoid class (which includes Confidor). Bees are the most important insect pollinators of flowers: essential for the production of fruit, certain vegetables and agricultural crops, as well as flower and vegetable seeds. One thing that gardeners can do to help bees is to grow plants that are abundant in nectar and pollen in their gardens.

In winter, bees are less active in our gardens. Once the temperature drops below about 15 degrees C, they head to their hives - and who can blame them! They apparently gather in a central area and form a cluster around the queen bee to keep her warm. By fluttering their wings and 'shivering', the bees keep the hive at the right temperature. The bees rotate their positions from the outside to the inside so no individual bee gets too cold. They rely on stored honey for energy. However, on mild winter days in Sydney, bees will leave the hive to forage. In late winter, the colonies start to build up their numbers again, and need fresh sources of food.

I like the idea of growing some winter-flowering bee plants to encourage them to come into my garden in the cooler months. Obviously, the flower palette is diminished at this time of year, but there are plants blooming that do entice the bees. Much of our native flora provides excellent floral resources for bees, and examples in bloom now include Grevillea, Acacia and Banksia species. There are compact varieties of some native plants available nowadays that are suited for home gardens.

Numerous introduced plants are also very attractive to bees. Flower shape (providing ease of access to pollen and nectar, with single-form blooms being the most sought after) and colour (they are said to be particularly drawn to the colours blue, purple and yellow) seem to be important determinants of the appeal, and certain plant families seem to have a special attraction. One of the most important of these is the mint family (Lamiaceae), which contains many herbs as well as garden flowers that bees adore. Most of these bloom in the warmer months, but French lavender (Lavandula dentata, ht 1 m) is in full flower through winter in Sydney, and is actually one of the best sorts of lavenders to grow in our climate. It does best in a sunny position with dryish, well-drained soil. Every few years, it needs to be replaced with a fresh specimen.

Salvia is another genus in the mint family, and there are some winter-flowering species and cultivars that can attract bees, such as 'Amistad', Salvia semiatrata, Salvia fallax (now known correctly as Salvia roscida), Salvia rubiginosa and Salvia elegans Purple Form. I don't cut back my autumn-flowering salvias such as 'Meigan's Magic' until August, as bees seem to still forage on the ageing blooms, even though the shrubs look rather ratty! The nutmeg bush (Tetradenia riparia) is also in the Lamiaceae family and is a bee magnet when its tiny, soft, grey-mauve flowers are in full bloom. I have recently added one of these to my garden and look forward to next winter when it is established.

Bees love daisy flowers, but there aren't so many of these around in winter. One that does bloom now is the so-called mountain marigold (Tagetes lemmonii), a shrubby perennial with brilliant golden flowers, held amidst passionfruit-smelling foliage! Marguerite daisies start to bloom in winter and offer many cheerful varieties; and Euryops species also continue to flower in the cooler months.

Winter-flowering annuals are often bee-magnets: the lacy, fragrant clusters of alyssum (Lobularia maritima (pictured at left), colourful Shirley poppies, dainty Nemesia coerulea and cheerful single-flowered pot marigolds (Calendula officinalis) all buzz with bees on a sunny winter's day. This year I have planted some 'instant colour' pots of some of these plants to fill the gaps where my herbaceous plants are lying dormant - and to provide extra sources of nectar and pollen for bees. These advanced plants bloom earlier than those planted out as small seedlings in autumn.

I've noticed that other favourite bee plants in my winter garden are those vestiges from my English cottage garden years: the ones that actually do OK in Sydney's climate, including perennials such as hellebores, winter wallflower (Erysimum mutabile) and sweet violets (Viola odorata). Ever-blooming Euphorbia 'Diamond Frost' is another favourite.

There are also some classic evergreen winter-blooming shrubs that attract bees: Mahonia and Sarcococca species, and Viburnum tinus, with its pinkish-white posies. Winter-flowering deciduous blossom trees are also attractive to bees, such as the flowering quince (Chaenomeles speciosa) with pink, white or red flowers; and the Taiwan cherry (Prunus campanulata), with its carmine, bell-shaped blooms. The latter is one of the few cherry trees that performs quite well in the Sydney climate. Established lemon and lime trees often bloom through winter, drawing bees to this source of nectar.

Bee plants are best grown in full sun, as they often ignore those grown in shade. They also dislike strong wind, so providing shelter from wind is a factor. Bees also need water: wet sand, a shallow-edged pool or a birdbath with stones in it can all be provide a suitable source. The sight and sound of bees in the garden can lift the spirits in these colder months!

Blog first posted 24 July 2016; updated 2 July 2023.

 Reader Comments

1/9  Margaret - 2122 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Monday, 25 July 2016

Bees are so important and it was good to be reminded by you of the many winter flowering plants which will encourage visits by the bees. Lavender, tagetes lemonnoni (although I dislike its "perfume"), the yellow euryops, wallflowers all bring the bees. As well, I have two cane begonias which always have some flowers, and the bees love to visit them - the blue-banded and teddy bear bees, not usually the European bees. Interesting about the different bees attracted to your begonias. I would like to know more about the various kinds. Deirdre

2/9  Carole - 2264 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Monday, 25 July 2016

...and the bees head to the eye-popping orange and yellows nasturtium flowers too. Thanks for that! My nasturtiums are not in flower yet! Deirdre

3/9  Maureen - 2118 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Monday, 25 July 2016

Another great blog Deirdre. Good timing re the bees because we have two of the bowlers from Beecroft speaking at our RHS meeting in September so very apt indeed. You may know Peter Searle who is one. Several of our members have commented on the importance of Bees in our gardens and absence of same in recent times! Cheers Glad to hear that people are spreading the word about the threat to bees. Deirdre

4/9  Helen - 7256 (Zone:10 - Mediteranean) Monday, 25 July 2016

Winter flowers are a treasure indeed and not only for bees. They really lift my spirits at this time of year when its very cold& wet. Buddleia salvifolia has been flowering here since early June & is still going. Salvia leucantha( mexican sgae) has hung on for a long time & I only cut it back a fortnight ago. But my all time favourite winter flowering shrub is the flowering quince. It is so tough & yet looks so beautiful & delicate. So true -- having winter flowers in the garden really does help us feel better when the weather is cold and miserable. I love wandering around the garden to see what is out. So many winter blooms are perfumed, which is a wonderful plus. The flowering quince is a fab shrub. Deirdre

5/9  Jan - 2582 (Zone:9 - Cool Temperate) Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Thanks Deirdre - this blog is a great one. Bees are going to be our next family adventure so we"ve been researching madly. A great resource is "Bee Friendly - A planting guide for European Honeybees and Australian Native Pollinators" by Mark Leech, put out by Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation. It"s free as a PDF or you can buy a hard copy. In spring we are getting a Kenyan top bar hive and doing a course on keeping bees naturally. Very exciting! Sounds fab, Jan. Hope it all goes well. I have always wanted to keep bees! Deirdre

6/9  Margaret-ann moren - 4552 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Monday, 25 July 2022

Thanks for your great advice and blogs, Deirdre. I lost count of the bees covering my two Tetradenia (Nutmeg bush etc.) yesterday and the hum from them was remarkable. Im going to strike some more to put in my garden and share with others. Its an extremely necessary contribution to help our bee population. Thanks for the reminder of this shrub - I have recently put one in! Deirdre

7/9  Pamela - 2158 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Monday, 03 July 2023

Fascinating read as always. My naturalistic garden is a river of Tagetes atm and many Salvias blooming so plenty of bees .I too late prune some of the Salvias for the sae reason. How I would love to find Haemanthus albiflos for my garden.youve reminded me to find my ornamental quince which is buried under Tagetes! Deidre believe me with 2 years off 70 my energy is definitely waning. I do have to push myself to get out of bed when it 6 degrees outside, roll on Spring! Well, you are an inspiration, Pamela! The bees must love your garden. Deirdre

8/9  Sue - 2074 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Monday, 03 July 2023

Blooms for the bees, so important are they in the web of life. My perennial basil bush has held up well till now for the honey bees along with lobularia for the native bees (when it reaches 18deg.) A sign in a winning Chelsea garden 13years ago said 'If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe then man would have only four years of life left'. It gave me a jolt to read it and I hoped it wasn't true and was just a reminder to plant more flowers. Such a scary message - but we do so much depend on them. Hope the native bees are going well. Deirdre

9/9  Margaret - 2122 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Tuesday, 04 July 2023

Not very many bees around, but I have plenty of wasps. Some sunny days last week saw bees congregating on my Marguerite daisies and lavender. Have plenty of white haemanthus out, but have not see any insects on them. I don't know much at all about wasps! Hope they kept their distance. Deirdre

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