"Salvias in August"

These salvias are looking good right now.
Sunday, 20 August 2023     

Salvia elegans Purple Form

Many of my Salvia plants look atrocious right now and are just about to be given a severe cutting back. Others, particularly the 'Wish' series and the Salvia microphylla and Salvia x jamensis cultivars, were pruned in May and have formed neat cushions of foliage, waiting to flower later on in spring. However, there are some Salvia that are in bloom and giving me great comfort at the moment.

Originally, when I became hooked on Salvia, I was enthralled by the winter-flowering specimens - because they so flamboyantly defied the winter chill that sees most other plants go into hibernation during the cooler months. I had to have all of them in my garden. What a joy it was to walk round the garden on a freezing morning and see these amazing plants flowering so generously. But I hadn't reckoned on how enormous many of them grow! Some are intent on reaching for the sky and each took up an inordinate amount of room - examples being Salvia involucrata x karwinskii 'Winter Lipstick', the various forms of Salvia wagneriana (the pale pink version is pictured above), Salvia 'Pink Icicles' and Salvia gesneriiflora 'Tequila'. Even when cut back drastically in summer as well as after flowering, I still found them too big for my garden, and the extra work of pruning was starting to wear thin on me, so I reluctantly took them out. In large country gardens, they are truly superb, and I envy my friends who have the space to let these beauties have their head.

I do, however, still grow a couple of larger specimens - 'Timboon' (pictured at left) has deep burgundy-pink flowers in wine-coloured calyces in late autumn and winter. Even when it is in bud, it is beautiful. Though capable of growing to 2 m or more, it seems more upright than the other larger forms to which it is related. It is an immensely cheering sight in winter and still looks good at the moment. I also have retained Salvia elegans Purple Form (shown at the start of the blog) because it is a fairly upright, willowy grower (I have it weaving in the branches of a nearby silver birch tree) and it flowers for so long with its dainty cerise spires - from winter to late spring. It gets to about 2 m tall. It has a nice purplish tinge to its leaves.

I also still grow Salvia 'Omaha Gold', which appears to be a variegated-leaf form of Salvia 'Costa Rica Blue' although does not get as large, growing to a maximum of about 2 m in height. The leaves have a golden edge, which is more pronounced in the cooler months. It is pretty grown nearby a gold-leaf shrub such as Duranta 'Sheena's Gold', which complements both the leaves and the deep purple-blue flowers. It flowers for much of the year but has a break in summer. It is best to grow it in part-shade, with morning sun and afternoon shade.

I simply have to keep Salvia dorisiana, the fruit salad sage. It was one of the first salvias I ever grew, so I find it very hard to think of getting rid of it. I admit it can take up a lot of space in height and width (2 m), though pruning can keep it smaller, but it is sumptuous at this time of year. It has its hot pink blooms from late July until October - which are gorgeous - but I also love the smell of its big, velvety leaves, which really do smell like a fruit salad. The flowers look lovely with silver foliage nearby, such as Plectranthus argentatus or low-growing Salvia discolor (ht 1 m - which also flowers bravely on throughout winter, with its unusual navy-blue inflorecences); and it also coincides with the blooming of the brilliant magenta-flowered Peristrophe bivalvis, which provides a good companion (illustrated above). Salvia dorisiana will also cope with a bit of shade, which is useful. It makes a nice background of lush foliage when not in bloom.

Salvia roscida (syn. Salvia fallax) is a late winter-early spring flowering plant from Mexico, which grows up to 1.5 to 2.5 m tall. It has spires of many small soft blue flowers over a long period in winter and early spring, and mixes well with many of the blooms of this time, such as Clivia and firefly (Justicia floribunda). It also combines well with some of the fresh new lime-green leaves of spring. It prefers a degree of shade, making it a valuable mixer.

Salvia rubiginosa (ht 1-1.5 m), with its rich blue flowers accentuated by purple calyces has been in bloom already for quite some time and will continue on until early spring. It is sometimes known colloquially as rosy bract sage. It pairs well with almost any other colour but at the moment I am enjoying it intermingling with the bromeliad Aechmea gamosepala, which has unusual brush-like pink inflorescences tipped with the same colour blue as the Salvia, in bloom at the same time. Both plants grow well in part shade.

Salvia splendens is usually regarded as an annual but there are tall ones that last for several years, and they flower basically all year round, only stopping when they are pruned! They grow in sun or part shade. I particularly like the soft pink and purple ones. They grow like small shrubs to about 1.2 m, and are a welcome presence at this time of year. The cultivars 'Go-Go' Purple and 'Go-Go' Scarlet are the only named ones I grow; the rest have come from seedlings from the gardens of friends, and they self-seed quite freely in my garden too!

Shrubby Salvia 'Van Houttei' is said to be an early Dutch selection that was made of Salvia splendens before the dwarf forms were bred for popular bedding plants. It has relatively large, tubular maroon flowers, held in a dark calyx. The plant grows to about 1 m tall and as wide, and prefers to grow in part-shade, especially in hotter areas. As it flowers almost continuously (seeming to have a rest in mid-summer in my garden), it can be pruned progressively, by removing one woody stem on a regular basis through the year. Alternatively, it can be hard-pruned along with most of the shrubby salvias in late winter: it will quickly regrow.

There are a couple of Salvia that start to flower in August. One of these is the cultivar of Salvia fruticosa called 'Greek Skies', which looks a lot like the culinary sage (Salvia officinalis) but grows better and forms a shrub shape, about 60 cm tall and quite wide, with scented, silver-grey leaves and gorgeous blue flowers in late winter and spring. A Mediterranean plant, it needs to grow in a hot, dry spot to perform at its best, and is drought and frost tolerant once established. It will only last a couple of years in Sydney, but it is still well worth growing, as it is so easily replaced by a new cutting.

All these Salvia flowers cheer me up no end at this time of year, providing oases of rich colour when much of the garden is looking utterly dreary and bare!

Blog originally posted 9 August 2015; updated 20 August 2023.

 Reader Comments

1/9  Trudi - 4223 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Monday, 10 August 2015

A fine collection of Salvia plants. Waverly, Meg"s Magic, Anthony Parker make such neat bushes and flower to no end. I also grow the big ones which spread their arms to embrace you, love them all and ordered a few new ones at Sue Tempelton"s S.Nursery. It is a pleasure to read about your garden and your Salvias; great advice too. The salvias you have mentioned are also favourites of mine. It is fun to try new ones! Deirdre

2/9  Ian - 2506 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Monday, 10 August 2015

Have just bought the Go-Go Scarlet and the "Armistad" because there is always room for just one more Salvia in my life. I agree! It is good that these newer ones are a bit more compact than some of the others. I am going to look for the Go-Go ones at the nursery and try them too. Deirdre

3/9  Linda - 2119 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Monday, 10 August 2015

Deirdre, please pot up all some of these winter salvias for the September plant stall in Beecroft! I will buy them!!! Best wishes from the lingering depths of my winter head-cold - Linda. Hope you feel better soon, Linda. Deirdre

4/9  Peter - 2093 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Monday, 10 August 2015

Hi Deidre I have a spare garden bed about 2.5m x 1.0m in front of an east side fence. The soils is a good sandy loam I often used to grow herbs in. Later in the year it will be 80% semi shaded by an adjacent crepe myrtle - could I consider Salvia in such a position? I would like to put some color there. Love reading your blog again. How nice to have a spare garden bed! Some salvias definitely do not mind afternoon shade but if it is quite shaded then there are fewer that will flourish there. You could try Salvia splendens (such as the new Go-Go ones mentioned in the blog), Salvia miniata, Salvia Mexicana, Salvia forskaohlei, Salvia dorisiana, Salvia "Van Houttei" - they should do OK. Coleus are also great for foliage colour in shade, and many of the Acanthaceae family of plants - eg Justicia carnea, Justicia brandegeeana, many of the Ruellia species, Strobilanthes etc). Deirdre

5/9  Chris - 4034 (Zone:11A - Sub-tropical) Monday, 10 August 2015

Deidre, Another helpful blog, and was wondering if any of these salvia"s grow well from cutting and when is the best time. This is the first year I have grown the less common salvias. I am quite amazed with "Meigan"s Magic" it attracts so many blue banded bees, I would like to grow it in a few places. I look forward to spring. Almost all salvias grow easily from cuttings. Probably the ideal times are late spring, late summer and autumn, but to be honest I take them any time of year. I use a mix of hydrated cocopeat and perlite, and they take root pretty quickly. I keep the pots of cuttings in a large lidded plastic tub in the shade till they take root then gradually expose them to the outside world. Deirdre

6/9  Barbara - 2081 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Monday, 10 August 2015

Oh! Deirdre! Your garden looks magical and I am suffering from Salvia envy!! If you are growing Foxgloves in Spring/Summer, I will be waiting with baited breath to receive your blog. But please also try to show us some photos of the Fairies who hide their handbags in their flowers. The colour of your Salvias are amazing and have inspired me to seek out more cuttings - fingers crossed!! Thank you for sharing this with everyone.....absolutely beautiful! Best Wishes...Barbara. Sadly I do not have foxgloves growing this year in my garden but I do plan to have them next spring! Glad you like salvias! Deirdre

7/9  Janna - UK Monday, 10 August 2015

Salvias are such wonderful plants for this country. I currently have 3 different species/cultivars in flower and am hoping to have even more over the coming seasons (some that you might be very familiar with!). It"s wonderful to have a Sydney Salvia expert who knows all the different types so well; thanks for the tips. Salvias are great - not all suit Sydney but most of the ones from semitropical places do very well. They give such a long period of colour in our gardens. Deirdre

8/9  Maureen - 2118 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Monday, 21 August 2023

Thanks for another great Blog Deirdre! A wonderful collection of Salvias !!! I love them all and only wish I had fallen for them earlier in my gardening life! No doubt I will be tempted at the upcoming Galston Open Gardens at some of the stalls !!

9/9  Margaret - 2122 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Tuesday, 22 August 2023

You have a wonderful array of salvias, Deirdre. I don't grow many, have S.'raspberry ripple', a small one and and another small grower, blue flowered, unnamed, plus a collection of Salvia leucantha. They all give much pleasure.

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