"Seeing red"

The colour red has great potential in the garden, if used with care!
Sunday, 28 October 2012     

Fuchsia boliviana (foreground)

In my younger gardening days, I grew few red flowers, as I had a penchant for soft, romantic pastels - red seemed such a harsh and strident colour! But in recent years, I have come to love and appreciate stronger colours and my pastels are now confined to a single border! Red certainly is a hue that demands attention, as it seems to leap towards you rather than receding away as pale blues, purples and pinks do. It can stop you in your tracks, but this characteristic can be harnessed in a garden to slow down visitors to admire a planting based around the colour red. I also enjoy using red flowers in part-shaded areas, where they can glow like burning coals and lift a gloomy spot. I think that a spangle of smaller red flowers amongst greenery or other colours look better than huge slabs of red, which can be exhausting on the eye! At the moment in my garden, one of the show-stoppers is my red Fuchsia boliviana shrub. I did mention this plant in a blog in June, thinking it was a winter-only bloomer, but it has steadily got better and better as the months have gone on. Its arching stems are now dripping with clusters of slim, pendulous red flowers, and I am enjoying it in a grouping with the long-flowering marmalade plant (Streptosolen jamesonii), harlequin-coloured Lobelia laxiflora and the indefatigable yellow daisy bush Euryops chrysanthemoides. I also have this Fuchsia growing in a shaded garden, but it certainly is not as floriferous there as the one in the sunnier corner.

I like red Salvia specimens but I haven't had a lot of success with many of them. Salvia gesnerifolia 'Tequila' (still in flower now) is of course gorgeous, but it is a big grower and take up a lot of space. Other smaller ones have proved to be poor bloomers in my garden. However, I have been trialling Salvia adenophora over the last few years and have had good luck with it. It is tall (to 2 m) but keeps a fairly slim profile, so doesn't take up too much space. It has clusters of scarlet flowers over a very long period from autumn into spring - and mine is still flowering. It is in a part-shaded position and still has had lots of blooms. It comes from Mexico and has nicely corrugated leaves.

During a recent weekend in Queensland, I visited two tropical cottage-style gardens in Ipswich and in one of these I saw a fabulous red Salvia about a metre tall, smothered in quite large red flowers and having attractive textured foliage - a Salvia I had never seen before. There was a plant stall at the garden and I was able to purchase a specimen of this plant, which has the cultivar name 'Josh' and which apparently was turned up as a seedling in a Queensland garden. In Queensland, it apparently flowers all year. I am looking forward to growing this one: it is always exciting to find something totally different, and some spontaneous Salvia seedlings in Australian gardens have proved to be some of the best plants I have ever known, such as the lovely 'Wendy's Wish'!

Another recent purchase of mine was a Pelargonium that I had heard from friends from my local garden club was a fabulous bloomer - by the name of 'Big Red'. It has incredibly eye-catching large, velvety, dark red flowers above rich green foliage, and forms a mound about 40 cm high and 35 cm wide. This is a cross between an ivy and a zonal Pelargonium (and its full name is apparently Pelargonium x hortorum 'Calliope Dark Red') and apparently does not develop the awful rust that infects the leaves of many zonal Pelargonium in our humid Sydney climate. It is said to be heat and drought tolerant, and can grow in sun or part shade - and is in bloom almost all year round! I have never had a lot of success with zonal Pelargonium so I am really looking forward to growing this one.

Earlier in the year I was given some very healthy-looking cuttings of Ruellia elegans - these have now developed into sturdy little plants and I have put them out into the garden. A member of the family Acanthaceae, this is a sprawling perennial (ht 1 m) with brilliant red funnel-shaped flowers in spring, summer and autumn. I have seen it in a friend's garden looking fantastic with red Dahlia and yellow Lycoris underneath a yellow Brugmansia. I have planted mine to spill over the edge of a retaining wall, nearby some lime-coloured foliage, against which the flowers really zing. I also like to grow red flowers near to dark purplish-bronze leaves - a vibrant combination. This Ruellia was a feature of the two gardens I saw in Ipswich - both of which contained many other Acanthaceae specimens, much to my joy.

Because of its chromatic strength, red probably shouldn't be overused in gardens, as it will dominate and overpower a planting. Judiciously used, however, it can provide an exhilarating dimension to your garden!

 Reader Comments

1/10  Anne - 2518 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Monday, 29 October 2012

thanks for the "heads up" on the plant stall on Saturday - I bought that lovely little green nicotiana which I had many years ago and a couple of other things. They seemed to have a good roll up for an excellent cause. Lovely garden round the house too! Glad it was good. I hope to get to the next one! Deirdre

2/10  Judy - 2753 (Zone:9 - Cool Temperate) Monday, 29 October 2012

Exciting to read that Salvia seedlings can emerge.Gives me hope! A salvia leaf type plant has popped up in my garden in proximity to a "Navajo" and a pineapple sage but with slightly different leaves to both. I"ve been waiting for it to flower to see if it"s a weed or the real thing. Good luck with your seedling - hope it turns out to be something good! Deirdre

3/10  Peter - 2008 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Monday, 29 October 2012

LOVE red in the garden of any kind Deirdre, especially the Ruellia elegans - I think I might have given you some of that taller "blue" red form from Valerie Brennan ...no? Anyway, my Paradisus Darlington open here at 52 Lander St for OGA on Sunday 25th November, hoping to see you and some of your readers to show how micro inner city spaces can be treated together with fellow designer Ian McMaugh on the same day at 8 Pitt St, Reedfern :)) Thanks, Peter - the Ruellia elegans are the ones you gave me as cuttings in April - all of them struck and are doing very well. Great that your garden is open and am sure visitors will be inspired by your plantings. Deirdre

4/10  Peta - 2758 (Zone:9 - Cool Temperate) Monday, 29 October 2012

I know some gardeners who would faint at the thought of red, yellow and horror of horrors, ORANGE!!!!! We have a beautiful red climbing rose winding its way up a verandah post. First thing visitors see as they come up the drive and it always gets rave comments. It"s been here ever since we bought the property and like a lot of roses, will probably outlast us. The rose sounds gorgeous, Peta. I love all the hot colours and have more of them than the pastels now. Deirdre

5/10  Meryl - 2206 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Monday, 29 October 2012

The red garden at the front of my house changes throughout the year as different plants come into bloom. One of my favourites is Quisqualis indica, also known as Rangoon Creeper and Drunken Sailor (probably because it leans against things) which grows on my front fence. The predominantly red (but also white and pink) flowers are not only beautiful, they smell like heaven at night and the scent floats on the air. I believe Quisqualis can be weedy in the tropical north but in Sydney it"s deciduous. I love that vine and took a cutting a few years ago from one that was hanging over someone"s fence! It has been slow to take off but is still alive and I look forward to it flowering one day! Deirdre

6/10  Jade - 2663 (Zone:11B - Arid) Wednesday, 31 October 2012

I love red as a contrast to darker purples. I have a smoke bush that looks terrific behind mass sprekillias I also love that combination of colours. I use Persicaria Red Dragon a lot with red blooms and also dark purple /brown Iresine cultivars. Deirdre

7/10  Ambra - 2010 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Thursday, 01 November 2012

Hi, thought your followers might be interested in this: last week I visited the Coal Loader Centre for Sustainability in Waverton. It"s a wonderful place where North Sydney Council has converted a historic site into a community/native flower garden and resource centre. Worth a visit, here"s site link: http://www.northsydney.nsw.gov.au/www/html/3313-about-the-coal-loader.asp I also did a review of it for Sydney Architecture Week: http://www.sydneyarchitecturefestival.org/event-reviews-2012/coa Thanks for letting us know about it, Ambra. Will check it out. Deirdre

8/10  Jennifer - 3796 (Zone:10 - Mediteranean) Saturday, 03 November 2012

I purposefully have very little red in my garden, but what is there can be so striking - and I too think red and purple look fantastic. I have a rose with red buds just opening, with aquilegia black barlow (a very dark purple) as a backdrop. Looks so dramatic. My Hot Lips salvia has also just come into bloom and it always starts the season predominately red. Thanks, Jennifer. I love that aquilegia - I have some out too. Hot Lips is interesting the way it changes in its colour at times. It certainly is a long-bloomer. Deirdre

9/10  Marinka - 2041 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Monday, 19 November 2012

I"m not a big fan of red, being more into purples, blues & pinks, but it can definitely create effective highlights. I have a few odontonemas that provide a long lasting touch of red. Fuchsias are also a favourite of mine, I would love to get a cutting of a tree fuchsia...my mother had one many years ago that grew to over 2 metres.

10/10  Margaret - 2122 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Saturday, 24 November 2012

love red, yellow and orange in the garden - they are such cheerful colours and brighten the day. Daylilies, dahlias, gerberas, geraniums, salvias, etc. - all add spice to the colour mix.

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