"Easy irises"

These Iris species thrive in our climate.
Sunday, 10 September 2023     

Iris wattii

Not all types of Iris are easy to grow in our warm temperate climate, and I broke my heart in my early gardening days over some of the exquisite ones that I read about in English gardening books - such as the fruit-scented Iris graminea, blue Iris reticulata, the strange Iris foetidissima with its spectacular red seedpods and any number of other ones whose names now escape me. Most of them hailed from places like Spain and Turkey, with climates very different from ours, and their failure in my Sydney garden now makes eminent sense to me. But there is still something about Iris flowers that I find irresistible and I have sought over the years to find species that will grow well here.

Some of the easiest of all to cultivate in Sydney flower in late winter and/or early spring and are known as the crested (or Evansia) types of Iris - so-called because they have a 'crest' or ridge on their three larger outer petals (or 'falls') instead of a 'beard'. The majority of these crested types come from Japan and China, and in general, they grow very well here. Instead of wanting baking sun in summer and cold winters like the Mediterranean types, they are denizens of a semi-shaded woodland setting and are generally not as frost hardy as other Iris species. The most well-known form is Iris japonica, blooming now, with evergreen leaves formed into fans 45 cm in height, which multiply quickly into a thick clump via surface-rooting rhizomes. Pale blue or white ruffled flowers appear on branched spikes to 60 cm tall.

Iris japonica will cope with quite dry, neglected conditions; however, they will do better if they are given some moisture (but not too much, as they may rot if drainage is poor), a yearly feed and a blanket of mulch every so often. They are said to dislike lime. They grow well under trees or shrubs such as Camellia japonica and Rondeletia and they are good companions to some of the smaller shade-loving flowers of late winter and early spring, such as hybrid hellebores, , azaleas, Crassula multicava and bluebells. They look effective grown along the edges of paths in shady parts of the garden. There is a cultivar called 'Variegata' (pictured above), which has boldly white-striped leaves. It doesn't flower freely (the bloom is pale lavender-blue with purple and yellow markings), but the leaves are so useful to lighten up shady areas in the garden. They look great with shade-loving white flowers such as forget-me-nots, Arthropodium and snowflakes.

A taller plant is Iris wattii (ht 90 cm tall) with much bigger frilled flowers that are out now, coloured a lovely lavender blue and carried on bamboo-like canes that can be 1-2 m tall. They have the same growth form of leaf fans as Iris japonica, and they make a good evergreen clump. They grow in the same conditions as Iris japonica and would probably grow well in a pot. I am enjoying one clump growing nearby a pale pink miniature Camellia and bright blue-spired Plectranthus barbatus; another clump has companions of the pale green saucer flowers of Helleborus argutifolius and the dainty lime-green bells of Nicotiana langsdorffii.

A third clump of Iris wattii in my garden grows near cream-coloured Clivia miniata and shrubby Eranthemum pulchellum, which has flowers of the same soft blue as this Iris at the same time of year, and also enjoys a shaded spot in the garden. This pretty pastel combination pleases me every year! Iris confusa is a similar tall Iris, with masses of near-white flowers; Iris japo-wattii is a cross between Iris confusa and Iris japonica, with flower stems up to 2 m in height and beautiful iced-lilac blooms. I haven't ever seen or grown these ones, however.

When I first wrote this blog many years ago, I included Iris tectorum (ht 30 cm), as another easy crested Iris for Sydney that could grow in sun or shade. I have since concluded they are better in a colder climate. Likewise, other crested irises such as Iris gracilipes from China and Iris cristata, Iris lacustris and Iris tenuis from North America prefer cooler climates to ours and do not flourish here.

An Iris quite different to the crested sorts but which does very well in our climate is what is sometimes called the common flag or German iris (Iris germanica). It is likely one of the ancestors of the modern-day bearded irises and generally seen in its purple form, though there is also a white variety. It is often seen growing in abandoned country gardens, but it does equally well in Sydney - better than the Tall Bearded ones, which do all right in our climate but never seem to do as brilliantly as in cooler, inland areas. Iris germanica grows best in a hot, dry spot with excellent drainage. It will spread by its thick rhizomes into a clump, which can be divided every few years.

Blog first published 4 September 2011; updated 10 September 2023.

 Reader Comments

1/7  Judie - 3160 (Zone:10 - Mediteranean) Tuesday, 06 September 2011

They sound perfect for my shady south facing garden. I have a particularly wet patch - can they tolerate wet feet for most of the year?

I think I. japonica and I. wattii might rot off with too much water. Deirdre

2/7  Densey - 2446 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Tuesday, 06 September 2011

I too am an iris lover, and of the extended family, including the three Neomaricas. No luck with favourite Beardeds up here except for the common deep purple one, so self reliant, now mixing beautifully with clove-scented pinks. Also have many water irises in my frog pond. Densey

Thanks, Densey. The old purple flag iris is one of my favourites here and does the best of all the bearded ones for me, flowering all through winter and spring. The water irises such as Louisiana also do well in Sydney. Deirdre

3/7  Tracey - 2071 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Wednesday, 07 September 2011

Oh Dear! I have just replanted a number of iriss that my darling uncle gave me from Tassie. His Iris garden was to die for. They have never flowered here in Sydney and I thought it was a positional issue...not enough sun. Wishful thinking by the sounds of it! Thank you for such an informative site!

There are a few other sorts, such as some of the tall bearded irises and Louisanas that do OK in Sydney, and sometimes a microclimate can be found where the cooler-climate ones grow so don't worry too much - see how they go in the sunnier spot. I am a bit lazy these days and want things that grow without too much effort from me! Deirdre

4/7  Chris - 2071 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Thanks for the excellent info on irises. Having been inspired by Monets garden in France, I have planted heaps of them in Sydney without much success.Where is the best place to purchase the varieties you recommend? Chris

5/7  Bron - 4223 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Monday, 11 September 2023

Evansias spread and flower well here, a little inland & on the NSW Qld border. They are in part shade. I never water them. They survive hot and dry, and are then not as prolific, as with lotsa rain they become weedy. At least they don't throw seed like dietes. Also wallabies and hares don't eat them as they do daylilies. Some Tall beardeds have flowered for me. Very early rebloom ones are best, but they rot easily if we have lotsa rain, which happens, as do long periods of hot and dry. Thanks for your comments re irises in your area. Excessive rain does seem to be detrimental to the tall bearded irises. Deirdre

6/7  Margaret - 2122 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Tuesday, 12 September 2023

Tall bearded iris seem to do best in my garden. Currently, I have two native rock orchids in flower, the white and yellow. These often skip blooming for a year, but this year are most pleasing. I also discovered some small native orchids, pink, white and mauve, hiding behind some clivea. I should try to grow some of the other iris groups. Native orchids are doing well this year! Deirdre

7/7  Sue - 2074 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Tuesday, 12 September 2023

A good read about early irises. Lost my germanica a few years back - got too shaded I think. The variegated japonica is just leaves in my garden so lovely to see its flower. Hopeful of flowers of the bearded this year, seems to be alternate years for me, but worth waiting for. Iris wattii with the clivea, is a nice combo. I do think the iris germanica needs that hot, dry position. The Tall Bearded irises are unpredictable for me - hopefully this will be a good year! Deirdre

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