Plant Description

Salvia Omaha Gold

Salvia Omaha Gold

This shrubby salvia appears to be a variegated-leaf form of 'Costa Rica Blue' although does not get as large, growing to a maximum of about 2 m in height. The leaves have a golden edge, which is more pronounced in the cooler months. It is pretty grown nearby a gold-leaf shrub such as Duranta 'Sheena's Gold', which complements both the leaves and the deep purple-blue flowers.

It flowers for much of the year but has a break in summer. It is best to grow it in part-shade, with morning sun and afternoon shade. Prune hard after flowering to keep it shapely as it can become quite an ungainly plant. It may need to be replaced by a fresh plant grown from a cutting every so often when it becomes very woody. Heavy frost may nip it back but it will recover.

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