Plant Description

Rudbeckia species

Rudbeckia laciniata

Often known as coneflowers, Rudbeckia are tough herbaceous perennials from the North American prairies which do well in Sydney gardens. They belong to the Asteraceae family and have large daisy-like blooms in mid to late summer. There are several types available, but the only one I have had any luck with in my Sydney garden is the tall and graceful Rudbeckia laciniata (ht 1-2m) with reflexed golden petals surrounding a prominent central cone. The leaves are deeply lobed and attractive. A vigorous double form, 'Golden Glow', is striking, but to me it lacks the elegance of the single form.

Rudbeckia laciniata does best in full sun, with reasonable soil and adequate moisture, though they will stand periods of dryness quite well. It appreciates some organic mulch and occasional feeding. The stems can be cut to the ground in winter. Whilst this coneflower looks attractive grown with ornamental grasses to give a 'prairie' effect, as illustrated above, it also mingles very well with subtropical flowers in hot-coloured tones that bloom in Sydney summers, such as red a href='plant-type.jsp?t=Pentas&q=Plant'>Pentas and red, yellow and orange Dahlia. Brilliant blue Salvia guaranitica Large Form provides a stunning colour contrast to the coneflowers, and the lime-green leaves of Duranta 'Sheena's Gold' give a wonderful foliage backdrop.

The clumps can be divided and replanted every few years to keep them productive. The flowers are attractive to bees and are also useful for picking for vases.


Rudbeckia species
Suitable for Cut Flowers.
Flowers January and February.
Plant Family: Asteraceae