Plant Description

Strobilanthes cusia

Strobilanthes cusia

Sometimes called the Chinese rain bell, this shrubby plant is a member of the broad Acanthaceae family, most of which flourish very well in Sydney gardens. Like most of its relatives, it will grow in shady places, in very ordinary soil. It is now known botanically as Strobilanthese cusia but was previously called Strobilanthes flaccidifolia. There is still some confusion as to whether Strobilanthes hamiltoniana could be the correct name! Growing to about 1.5-2 m in height, it comes into bloom in autumn and continues into winter. It has a weeping habit, and the many soft pinkish-purple flowers are like little trumpets. It can also grow in sunny spots, but it is valuable in bringing colour to shady parts of the garden in autumn.

Suitable companions include some of the many Plectranthus species, which also flower in autumn; shrubby Begonia, which continue to flower from summer into late autumn; or some of the silvery-leaved Billbergia cultivars which form a good clump in shaded spots. Strobilanthes cusia needs to be cut back in late winter to keep it shapely as it has the potential to get rather wide, and it can be given some fertiliser at this time also. It strikes readily from cuttings. I have heard that if it is grown in good soil it may spread alarmingly so it really is best to keep it for tricky, dry-shade areas!

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Strobilanthes cusia
Out now in my Sydney garden.
Flowers from April to July.
Plant Family: Acanthaceae
