Plant Description

Reinwardtia indica

Reinwardtia indica with Euonymus Green n Gold in background

This is an undemanding small shrub about 1m tall, which has two good characteristics: it flowers in late autumn and winter, and it can grow in part or dappled shade. It is sometimes called linum or yellow flax, and is found over a wide region including South-West China and South-East Asia. It has pretty, rounded, bell-like flowers in a cheerful golden yellow hue, and these appear in May, June and July in Sydney gardens. It likes a reasonable soil but is not very fussy. It should be protected from frost in very cold gardens.

It should be cut back hard at the end of winter to keep it compact. It tends to sucker a bit to form a clump. It is attractive grown nearby a yellow-variegated shrub such as Euonymus japonica 'Aureus', or with other bright winter flowers such as Justicia rizzinii or Abutilon.


Reinwardtia indica
Out now in my Sydney garden.
Flowers from May to July.
Plant Family: Linaceae
